Explore customs tariffs, trade remedies, as well as regulatory requirements applied by a market on a given product.
Compare tariffs and other indicators across different destination markets, exporting countries and products.
Analyse trade agreements, forward-looking preferential tariffs and other market access conditions.
Download datasets on MFN and preferential tariffs as well as on regulatory requirements, in bulk or using customized queries.
Market Access Map is a free analytical portal that allows users to Access, Compare, Analyse and Download customs tariffs, tariff-rate quotas, trade remedies and non-tariff measures applicable to a specific good in any market in the world. The web-application is interactive, simple and easy to use.
Your gateway to trade agreements
Trade statistics for international business development
Spot export opportunities for trade development
Giving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises a Voice
Making public procurement information accessible to SMEs and women-owned businesses
Real time market intelligence